You are interested in everything. Daddy seems to be your favorite. I'm food source he is laugh and giggle time. Glad to say we are fully breast milk fed. I did give you the tiniest bit of rice cereal the other day. You did not approve. Next month we will start practicing eatting with baby food :-) you are sick again this week green snotty nose and all.
Just happened across your blog. So glad I did. Your children are beautiful. We both have Angels in heaven now with your Logan and my Danielle. My daughter was 27yo, spastic quad cp, cognative of an infant at best, cortically blind, hydrocephaly, microcephaly, non-verbal..ect..ect.. After 27 years of suffering beyond imagination, God set our baby girl free this past May. No more pain, no more suffering and free of a body that imprisoned her and made her existance here almost hell. I wanted to tell ya, if you ever want to connect with a large network of CP families, please consder visiting us @ Cerebral Palsy Family Network. We have so many wonderful families who would benefit from your story and experiences. You could be an inspiration to so many :o) My thoughts and prayers will be with you.