Sunday, June 16, 2013

and we shall call you Godzilla 13 months old

You are quite the hand full! You climb everything! You think screaming is for recreational fun.  You find, target, and destroy anything you see fit, mainly peoples' food dishes drinks, dipping sauces etc. We LOVE to find the small "chocking hazard" toys come walk in front of mommy show that you have it in your mouth and then dart the other direction running and laughing...BUT my biggest pet peeve is your nude streak. So, your bedroom smells like an old dirty pee filled diaper. Why you ask? BECAUSE you like to take your diaper off A LOT! You have mastered regular diapers, diapers with shorts over them, diapers on backwards, diapers on backwards with a cloth diaper over them also on backwards with shorts. I have put you to bed in a diaper, diaper cover and full 2 piece pjs and have still found you completely naked. You have learned to pull diapers down when you can't undo the tabs. It is really hot and I'd hate to put you in full zip up sleepers, so I guess mommy will be going to the store to buy onesies. We have been getting in the pool a lot over the last few weeks. You like it but you still cling to mommy. I can't believe you are over 13 months old now. You have added "no, no" to your vocabulary. Grandma and grandpa from Alabama just left yesterday. They were here for a week. We went to the beach last Sunday. You were fearless. You just walked strait for the water. You had a TON of sand in your bathing suit when we got home. I held a tiny newborn today for the 1st time since you were that age. Most of my friends have had their babies and are done, very few are still having babies, so seeing this little boy today pulls on my heart to do it again. Then I come back home and think WHAT WAS I THINKING? You and your siblings are enough for me at the moment. Who know how I will feel later. Godzilla, even though you are having some "terrible 2s" way early, I cherish every single day God has blessed me with you and your sister and brothers. I am so thankful that I have the opportunity to stay at home with you so you can spit at me, pinch me, bite me, and pee on the floor so I can slip in it.

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