Tuesday, September 20, 2011

6 weeks 2 days

Today I had a follow-up appointment regarding your progress and the intense pain I continue to have in the pelvic area. I feel like you are a full term baby not the size of a lentil bean. This is apparently how big you are this week.

Seeing that this is much bigger than last Monday I expected to see more on the ultrasound today. I was actually really nervous when I seen the what appeared to be an empty sac on the ultrasound screen. After much zooming and maneuvering of the vaginal probe I think we found you. Just a tiny little dot up against the wall of your sac with the slightest flicker of a heart beat. You are so very tiny that the machine could almost not detect you. Usually the heart beat can be heard via ultrasound, but they were not able to track yours. It gives me hope knowing that there is a possible tiny heart beat beating away inside of me. Praying you are growing bigger and stronger every day.

My next appointment is on September 29th, but it is not with the doctor or for an ultrasound. Instead it is when they tell me how much you are going to cost me to have prenatal care and for delivery.

There is so much worry going on right now. I have a meeting at work to basically tell all the LPNs how long we have to become RNs before we are fired. I wonder if I should just quit, cut the bills and stay at home....actually considering living off the government....everyone makes it so hard to live these days why not just jump on the band wagon and live like a large percent of the country. Health insurance makes it near impossible to pay for it without large out of pocket costs..especially with you brother Jacob and all his medical issues.

So the cat is out of the bag a little bit. Apparently Aunt Fiki's boyfriend Israel has baby radar...he apparently told Tricia "She looks like she is pregnant" last week. ha ha ha whatever. She has been asking me for a week if I was pregnant, so I let Ava tell her yesterday. She has pledge a vow of silence...except for Israel.

Ava is so very excited to have you in her life. She still insists that you are a girl and  I can not tell her other wise. If I say "what if it is a boy" she says "well, what if your wrong? What if its a girl?!" She has named you already. 1st your name was Jennifer. I told her you could not be named Jennifer, she insisted you be named after me...ha ha ha. Then your name became Jello...Jello has been a notorious baby name in the Gunter house hold. Every baby Ava has in her "belly" since she was 2...sometimes she reports 10 babies in he belly...they are all named Jello. After I told her Jello was not an option she changed your name to Jessica Nichole Gunter. Daddy likes this name. She changed your name to Carlie, but then back to Jessica...who knows. I told her she had to pick a boy name to. After much debate she decided to name you after her "boyfriend" a teenage singer popular with 4 year olds...your name is Justin Bieber Gunter
This is Ava's super star boyfriend...I don't even think she know 1 song by him, but she "loves" him because her friends do...She just seen me put this picture up here and announced Justin Bieber! I love him!

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