Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Another ultrasound

This morning I had another ultrasound. Ava went with me. Before they even inserted the vaginal wand Ava was like "Oh I see her she is so cute...look at her cute little shirt." ha ha ha Today you were still very very tiny, but there is a weeks growth since last time. You are measuring behind a little. My last period (which I know is correct) has you at 7 weeks 3 days with a due date of May 13,2012. So, I was expecting to see a whole lot bigger baby on the screen. Instead just the same little flicker up in the corner of the sac. You are really hiding up there. They could not autobily hear your heart beat today, but they were able to see the little flicker on the screen better and trace how fast it is going. Your heart beat is 130 beats per minute...so if the old wives tails are true you are a boy if your heart beat stays under 150...which was so not true with the triplets...they were 150-175 a lot. I'm glad Ava got to see your tiny heart beat on the screen. She really has no clue what is going on, but she was so excited she thought you were coming out soon. She can't grasp that you won't be here for another 7 or so months. Next appointment is on the 29th of September...not a doctor appointment though just the money appointment.

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